SHAKOPEE, MN – Thunderstorms were followed by freeze warnings for part of Minnesota this past week and part of the opening weekend card at Canterbury Park was delayed by showers, but that did not dampen the enthusiasm of Minnesotans to have live racing back.

Even the wildlife couldn’t stay away from the racetrack.

Trainers and riders came in from all over the country to ply their trade at the Shakopee oval this summer and some, like Canterbury Hall of Famer Bernell Rhone, came back looking tan and fit.

The backside had been alive for weeks with horses getting ready for the afternoon action.

The first stake races of the season saw the re-coronation of a champion,

And a salute to a passing legend

The rain merely delayed a race but didn’t dampen spirits.

Even the kids got into the act at what may be the most family friendly racetrack in America.

We know that this isn’t an “only in Minnesota moment” but as the young ladies above were waiting for a win photograph that Regan was in courtesy of owner Scott Rake and his filly Bad River Belle, jockey Dean Butler emerged and engaged the girls in conversation. In a flash Butler was gone and returned from the jocks room with a pair of goggles for Cadence and made sure to sign Regan’s win photo. This is how you take horse crazy youngsters and turn them into race fans forever – a simple act of generosity and the gift of time. Regan clutched her win photo all the way home to southern Minnesota and rumor is that Cadence still may not have removed her new goggles.