Category Archives: Prairie Meadows

Canterbury Moves to Wednesday Racing for August; Claims Reports for MN, IA

SHAKOPEE, MN – As announced earlier in the year, starting on August 1, Canterbury Park will be racing on Wednesday evenings.  Post time for the Wednesday night card will be 6:30.

Sunday racing will make one more appearance in Shakopee over Labor Day weekend.  The final two weekends  of the season will be Friday night and Saturday racing September 7 & 8 and 14 & 15.

With Sunday being the slowest wagering day of the week, it is hoped that the moved to Wednesday nights, with fewer wagering options, will generate higher handle. Canterbury will be offering reduced admission ($3.50 including program) as well as food and drink specials every Wednesday evening.


Here is the year to date claiming activity for Canterbury Park and Prairie Meadows.

PrM Claims Report-7-29

CBY Claims as-of-7-18